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啤酒,赌博,流媒体,我的天! 超级碗广告分析


超级碗广告, 虽然样本相对较小, 是整体广告需求趋势的良好指标吗. 在过去三年的回顾中, the trends are clear: a few categories like Crypto and Covid-related PSAs are waning, 大部分被体育博彩和流媒体等新类别所取代, 在QSR和啤酒等老牌品类中,竞争更加激烈.

是什么: Crypto & COVID

自2021年以来, 与COVID-19有关的广告稳步下降, 周日晚上没有出现与COVID-19相关的广告. 2021年,我们追踪了五家广告商与COVID-19相关的广告. These ads mostly advertised how their businesses are still operating in the midst of the pandemic. 例如,这个 阿拉斯加航空广告 描述了他们航班上的安全程序, this ad for a local market casino highlights their air filtration and features customers and staff in masks. 2022年,与COVID相关的广告将主题转移到宣传疫苗上. 密歇根卫生部买下了 虽然两次播放 俄勒冈州卫生部买下了 三首播 关于COVID预防和疫苗.

在2022年超级碗上抢尽风头之后, 加密货币公司在今年的广播中保持沉默. Coinbase的 浮动二维码广告 是去年最大的广告之一吗 导致他们的网站崩溃. 四家公司FTX, Coinbase, Crypto.com和eToro去年播出的广告在2023年超级碗期间没有出现. 然而,在正常的广播时间里,他们仍然会安静地出现,比如 这是eToro的广告 关于他们的加密交易应用的社交功能. 与他们的 2022年超级碗广告在美国,它的质量要低得多. FTX, one of the other big crypto companies, filed for bankruptcy and is involved in a fraud scandal.


是什么: Betting &  流媒体


体育博彩广告在超级碗上的表现呈指数级增长, 这与它在过去几年席卷市场的方式一致. 虽然许多超级碗广告是全国性的,在全国的每一块屏幕上都能看到, the sports betting companies aim to be specific in where they air advertisements due to state-specific restrictions. But, as sports betting becomes legal in more places, the ads have significantly increased.

FanDuel主办了2023年最受欢迎的广告之一,名为 “命运之踢” 和Rob Gronkowski一起,球迷们也可以在那里下注比赛结果. 福克斯播出 关于他们的Fox Bet应用的广告该节目在192个市场播出,包括一些体育博彩还不合法的地方. 其他在2023年播放广告的博彩公司——BetMGM、DraftKings、 & Fanduel也将他们的广告推向全国, so they appear to have lower airings numbers than Fox Bet App but are reaching a similarly sized audience.


在过去的三届超级碗中, advertisers have set out to make their claim in the rapidly growing and competitive market of streaming platforms.  From 2021 to 2022, the total number of unique airings advertising streaming platforms increased.  In 2021, there was a total of 13 unique airings about streaming platforms, in 2022 there was 22. 在2023年,我们看到流媒体平台的广告减少了,但广告仍然引人注目. Tubi made their Super Bowl premier in a much talked about ad that made it seem as if your T.V. 将应用程序切换到Tubi应用程序以及观众被扔到一个 兔子洞 of T.V. shows.


A common trend between each Super Bowl is that the host network will advertise their streaming platform more than others. 当哥伦比亚广播公司在2021年主办超级碗时,派拉蒙+有9个独特的播出,包括 这一个 《百家乐软件》中受欢迎的CBS网络角色.  当NBC在2022年主持时,孔雀有12次独特的播出,其中之一是 this ad 突出了孔雀公司2022年的新节目. 而福克斯还没有推出自己的流媒体平台, 他们加大了对新电视节目的宣传力度, such as 动物控制 and 高级厨师,以及他们的广播 代托纳500. 福克斯国家, their streaming platform was also featured during the big game with 3 different ad airings. The variety of streaming platform advertisers in 2022’s Super Bowl highlight the development of a more packed streaming market. We tracked unique airings from nine different streaming platform advertisers in 2022, 而在2023年,这个数字是5. 有来自 福克斯国家, Netflix, Tubi, Peacock, and 派拉蒙+.

Endemic: QSR & Beer 


快餐公司在广告上有一种独特的分裂. McDonalds, Taco Bell, Wendy’s, and Pizza Hut have all consistently aired ads in the Super Bowl. 通过过滤掉全国播出的超级碗广告, 当地播出的超级碗广告的地区差异变得明显. 如比尔, 盒子里的杰克, and Whataburger all have previously advertised in their local markets during the game. One of the big themes in advertising during NFL games this year was the Burger King advertising campaign. Their “弥天大谎” 《百家乐app下载》整个赛季都在全国播放,但他们用 他们的超级碗主题广告歌 影响已经产生了. 汉堡王在超级碗期间没有播放广告. In fact, McDonalds was the only fast food advertiser to make an appearance, however, 他们的广告 Cardi B在开球前播出,当时收视率下降.


A new development in Super Bowl advertising this year was the result of Anheuser-Busch and the NFL ending their exclusivity deal on the advertising of beer during the Super Bowl. 正因为如此, the other night we saw non-Anheuser-Busch beer ads aired nationally for the first time since 1989. 这一次,有康胜啤酒、米勒啤酒、 塞缪尔·亚当斯蓝月亮和无酒精喜力啤酒. However, 尽管他们的独家交易结束了, 安海斯布希品牌的啤酒仍然做了大量的广告,包括 百威淡啤, 啤酒商 Ultra, 布希光, and 百威啤酒但没有经典的克莱兹代尔马和拉布拉多小狗.

[编者注:这是来自 AdImpact. 流媒体接受供应商署名完全基于它们对我们读者的价值.]



在数字广告的时间轴上,电视正在一个有趣的时刻被数字化. 就像广告商能够在大屏幕上瞄准受众一样, 他们最喜欢的方法——第三方cookie——正在消失. 这很不方便, 还有大卫·纳菲斯, CTV在Kargo的总经理, argues that it's also a catalyst to force advertisers to test and perfect other targeting methodologies on CTV. 其中最有希望的是上下文定位.


在短短几个月内, the majority of Americans will be sitting down for one of the biggest events of the year - the Super Bowl. 对于体育迷来说,这场大赛不仅仅是一个标志性的时刻, beer, 还有鸡翅, 这也是广告业一年中规模最大、谈论最多的日子之一. 詹•陈, Connatix的总裁兼客服主管, outlines the best strategies for maximizing advertising effectiveness after the game.


YouTube可能太大了,不容忽视. The question for advertisers might be - is it so big that it doesn't have to play by the rules? Hunter Terry of Lotame discusses many of the unusual and unexpected advertising advantages that YouTube currently possesses and what that means for the overall CTV advertising industry.


雅安Hinard, withbe首席运营官, 概述了为什么真实设备上的广告监控对OTT性能至关重要

In the Accelerating Shift from Linear to CTV, Advertisers Must Prioritize Progress Over Perfection

Rose McGovern OF DIRECTV shares her insights on the rapid shift from linear to CTV and why advertisers must prioritize progress over perfection in their strategies.


CTV是目前广告业最热门的机会, 当机会成熟时,每个人都想快速赚钱. Daniel Elad from TheViewPoint discusses how publishers looking to build a foundation for long-term success must use an intelligent, 前倾的需求方法.


现代电视广告正处于成长期. Advertisers face new challenges as the landscape shifts from broadcast and cable to a new world of AVOD and FAST. Waymark的Asrah Mohammed讨论了情境定位, 这一策略可以帮助我们驾驭这一新局面.


The first article in a series sponsored by Progress Partners and its Executive-in-Residence program addressing the big questions the streaming industry is grappling with regarding advertising metrics.


As streaming increasingly becomes the preferred consumption model for some of the world's most-watched content, 人们对高质量和出色的用户体验的期望越来越高.


Greg Morrow of Bitcentral looks at how publishers now need a "swiss army knife" of tools to realize 他们的广告vertising potential. 内容以不同的形式传播到如此多的分发点, publishers now need to integrate a separate toolset for each one to thrive in today's market.

Get Ready - Advertisers Want Sophisticated TV Targeting for Omnichannel Media Buying

Tony Mooney of ThinkAnalytics discusses approaches for optimizing TV behavioral targeting at whatever speed suits the local market or operational constraints.


争夺眼球的斗争愈演愈烈, we are seeing more and more companies diversify their monetization strategies to include ad-supported revenue models that scale 他们的广告vertising offerings and capabilities. 迪士尼和Netflix等公司推出了广告支持模式, marketers and advertisers can take advantage by integrating themselves into the OTT mix to create campaigns that hook viewers in.


The cost and sheer number of ad spots during the Super Bowl can make it difficult for brands to stand out in the crowd. 从奥利奥饼干到贝蒂·怀特,让我们来看看这些成功的方法.


体育博彩即将发生革命性的变化, 流媒体需要跟上小额投注的趋势.